Italian records. Staying indoors has its positive aspects. Especially as far as knowledge is concerned. Each screen is a window onto the world. And looking ...
Ingenuity and technology at the service of citizens and hospitals in particular. Covid 19, or Coronavirus, if you like, has changed the lives of Italians…
Italy is facing coronavirus emergency. Many energies have been devoted to allowe our country to emerge from the crisis. Important is the decision of the ...
Music takes the field to help Italy against the coronavirus. #iplayfromhome is the solidarity musical project launched by Franco Zanetti, director of the Rockol website,…
In Italy, from north to south, the #iorestoacasa campaign, promoted by the government led by Conte, together with the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection,…
Emergency in Italy. The national government has put in place new restrictive measures to deal with the spread of Covid-19 throughout the country. "To have ...