The "anti-inflation quarter" begins today and will last until 31 December 2023. The initiative, promoted by Mimit (Ministry of Business and Made in Italy), has…
Flood in Emilia Romagna, the Meloni government allocates 2 billion euros to deal with the emergency. Meanwhile today, Wednesday 24 May, is a day of national mourning….
Violence against women, the Meloni government will refinance the anti-violence centers and shelters. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said it, adding that the executive "will undertake ...
The council of ministers approved the economic maneuver for 2023 which is worth billions of euros. These are some of Prime Minister Meloni's considerations on…
Maneuver worth almost 35 billion, there is the go-ahead from the Council of Ministers. Other resources have been allocated for interventions to support the family. Wedge…
Many do not know that it is possible to discover the beauties of the Quirinale. An opportunity not to be missed. Set foot in this historic building, located on the ...
Economic crisis due to the pandemic, the support-bis decree is on the way, which could be launched by the council of ministers as early as mid-week. Speaking of which, it seems ...
The new Dpcm is in the pipeline, meanwhile the infections continue to rise and in Brescia the Nigerian variant has been isolated. According to the data ...
A strong link between Italy and the United States. In history but also in diplomatic relations. And so after the congratulations of the Italian institutions ...
The new rules governing the possible reopening of gyms and swimming pools, established by the Ministry of Sport and validated by the CTS (Technical Scientific Committee), provide for ...
New Dpcm to regulate commercial hours, carrying out religious rites and travel during the Christmas holidays. The government says 'no' to possible relaxation of restrictions, ...
The Council of Ministers approved the refreshment quater decree, or new aid to companies and individual professionals. "The government's work continues to expand ...