The latest novel by the multi-talented Roman writer Alessandro Serra is entitled “The Patience of the Flower”. Roman by birth, after having spent more than twenty years in the…
Dolce&Gabbana becomes an institutional partner of the FAI – Fund for the Italian Environment to support the enhancement of Italy's artistic, cultural and environmental heritage. Dolce&Gabbana partner of…
The Biagio Agnes Award is the international journalism and information award. It represents a very prestigious appointment for the famous names of the world of journalism….
Today Italy and the whole world remember Dante Alighieri. Or rather, today the events promoted for this entire year culminate: in fact, September 14 is ...
Students prepare for the Maturity exam, as has been the case since 1923, or the Gentile Reform, which introduced this test at the end of high school studies, ...
Grimaldi is a characteristic Calabrian village, located in the province of Cosenza. Rich in culture and traditions, it is undoubtedly one of the most interesting towns in the ...
Procida Film Festival is the renowned international film and documentary festival on the sea, directed, since 2017, by Francesco Bellofatto. Designed by Fabrizio Borgogna (passed away ...
First important appointment for the literary café conceived and conducted by the network editor Paola Stranges. At the center of the first meeting the topic dealt with ...