In these quarantine, go shopping becomes extremely difficult. So what to put in the cart? In the next paragraphs we suggest you the must-have products ...
In these times of quarantine, shopping becomes a very difficult undertaking. So what to put in the cart? In the next paragraphs we suggest which products ...
Coronavirus has also caused a boom in sanitizers intoxications. From the outbreak of the Covid-19 emergency to today, in fact, the use of disinfectants went through…
The new Italy, the one that was born after the coronavirus emergency is still to be discovered. Even though the terrible pandemic is still ongoing, ...
The Coronavirus has also caused a dizzying boom in household disinfectant poisoning. From the outbreak of the Covid-19 emergency to today, in fact, their ...
Ingenuity and technology at the service of citizens and hospitals in particular. Covid 19, or Coronavirus, if you like, has changed the lives of Italians…
The government is working to better deal with the coronavirus emergency. The lack of masks, necessary to protect yourself from possible infections, has been solved, as has ...
Late last night Prime Minister Conte intervened with a new speech to the nation, during which he announced the new anti-contagion lock-down. "The most difficult ...