It is well known how much we Italians love chocolate. And also of how many master chocolatiers are present in our country. Celebrate this noble and tasty food ...
The Red, the Learned, the Fat: Bologna has taken on many nicknames over the years, thanks to the fact that it is the capital of a region, Emilia Romagna, which ...
Tex Willer, a fictional and inspirational character who seems more real than many real characters, has turned 70 and continues not to age, even though ...
Each of us, reading today's date, cannot help but think of one of the greatest and most versatile Italian songwriters. Lucio Dalla, the man born on ...
The Most Beautiful Village in Italy that we admire today is Dozza, in the province of Bologna, Emilia Romagna. The close symbiosis between the imposing Rocca and ...
Do you remember The Seagull and the Cat, the animated film directed by Enzo D'Alò based on the novel by Luis Sepulveda? In one of the opening scenes ...