Horoscope 2021. We have been talking about it for a few days and in the meantime it is hoped that the forecasts for the new year are positive and above all more ...
After the success of Ten Things I had forgotten (Rizzoli) the journalist and writer Lucrezia Sarnari returns to the bookstore with the brilliant comedy entitled ...
Rome is a city of enchantment. Its beauty is hard to put into words. It's hard not to fall in love with it. It is a place capable of awakening complex feelings in the soul, of ...
Long distance love. It's possible? Poetry, music and literature have been asking for this for generations. But never as today from the answer to this question ...
Let's face it: the history of the Italians is not teeming with fantastic dreams of love crowned and on Valentine's Day it is right to remember this. But how could one do otherwise? ...
Friendship between man and woman. A chimera fruit of unreal fantasies or a possible option? It all depends on what we mean by the term "friendship". Self…
Love between man and woman: everyone has been looking for it, since the time of Adam and Eve. Has anyone ever found it? Reading our literature one would say ...
In the frame of the Venetian Visconti fortress of Lonato del Garda, a thousand-year-old fortification that dominates the largest lake in Italy, Lonato in Festival is staged….