Usually when a business closes its doors it is a sign that things are not going well. All the more so if a hospital ward is decommissioned. Instead after ...
Walking through the boot anyone can recognize the incredible excellence of Italian craftsmanship. For example, if you want to indicate some of them, the Vietri ceramics or the glass are surprising ...
Try to imagine a lake, large enough to extend between Lombardy, Piedmont and Switzerland. An expanse of water of 212 square kilometers, which mother nature has ...
Italy has strengths and weaknesses just like all the countries of the world. And if debates, discussions are on the agenda, there is certainly a topic on ...
Brace yourselves: Gorgonzola is a Piedmontese cheese! No, I have not suddenly gone mad, but it is the statistics that confirm this unusual claim. In 1996 ...
February opens with the feast dedicated to the cult of a saint very dear to the Christian faith. Between West and East, so much venerated by Catholics ...