One of the best ways to celebrate Dante on the XNUMXth anniversary of his death. In Florence, his city, the museum of the Italian language will be born. A great…
The Week of the Italian language started on October 19th. With the hashtags #SettimanaLinguaItaliana and # SLIM2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the ...
Speaking of language, the Italian one, in the society of the image. This is the theme chosen this year by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Accademia della Crusca for the twentieth edition ...
The XX Week of the Italian language in the world starts, which will take place from 19 to 25 October. This year will have the title "Italian between word and image: graffiti, ...
Florence is known to be the "cradle of the Renaissance". But it is also the central place in the history of the Italian language. From Dante Alighieri to Alessandro ...
The 21th edition of the week of the Italian language in the world is starting. The event will be staged from 27 to XNUMX October. The event will be a ...
Summer, beach, outdoor day. Someone swims, someone floats comfortably lying on the mattress. Children play football or beach volleyball. The lazy ones idle ...