The data for today, April 19, show an improving trend. The spread The figure of the daily infected suffers a decrease compared to yesterday. Today they are ...
The data for today, April 18, are stable compared to those of yesterday, many swabs carried out and many recovered. Let's see the details. Diffusion The ...
Today's data, April 17, is very encouraging, let's see in detail. The spread The figure of daily infected people decreased slightly compared to yesterday, even…
The data for today, April 17, are very encouraging, let's see them in detail. The spread The figure of the daily infected undergoes a slight decrease compared to ...
Today, April 15, excellent news arrives especially from hospitals. The slow down in infections also continues. Spread The number of infected persons per day continues to…
Today, April 15, there is excellent news, especially from hospitals. The slowdown in infections also continues. The spread The number of infected daily continues to drop, ...
Today's data shows good news about the increase in current positive cases and daily infections. But there is also less comforting news. The spread The ...
Today's data shows good news regarding the increase in currently positives and daily contagions. But there is also less comforting news. The diffusion…