Sticchi Damiani spoke at the press conference after Gotti's dismissal. Sticchi Damiani explains the sacrifice after the dismissal. It's done for Giampaolo, read the details here.
Lecce, Trinchera's words in press conference
The words of Ds Trinchera. "I often listen and it's a pleasure to do it in front of Pantaleo and Saverio. Today, however, I want to say that everyone gives us as the first to be relegated at the beginning of the year. This team has shown that it can do a lot. The new coach and the team need everyone's support. At the end of the year we will take stock. "
Corvino speaks
Corvino's statements. "We came here to talk about another situation. I could name it if there are signed agreements. It is a situation we hoped not to find ourselves in, but we have made the assessments".
Then the director continues. "There are no footballers who are certainties in Serie A. If you accept us like this, we can move forward. Knowing that there will always be those who will not give us their consent. No one in life has had universal suffrage. Everything can be improved"
Lecce, the words of Sticchi Damiani
Situation not compromised. "Our situation is not compromised, but we needed to reflect. Our choice is not a comfortable one, it is an uncomfortable choice, which also involves further economic sacrifices.. "
Always Lecce's interest. "We are not reasoning for convenience because there is no convenience. Our goal is to improve a trend that at the moment is not giving the desired results. It represents a choice that exposes us further to the risks of the case. This choice shows that we do not want to leave any stone unturned for salvation in Serie A in one of the most difficult tournaments of recent years. We are giving our all, putting our face on the line, always and exclusively in the interest of Lecce. "
Sticchi Damiani reassures fans on the financial aspect of the club. "We are like the father who gives his son a savings book to always save something for the future, we are not the father who gives a Ferrari. And we could even afford a Ferrari. I want to reassure our fans. Our logic is to pay attention to the budget because if we spend 10 instead of 50 I don't put 40 in my pocket, but I further structure the club. The budget is a great form of attention that we have for our fans. "
Communication of the exemption. “We communicated the dismissal to mister Gotti all three together. In these cases it is good to show that we are united as a company.”
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