The long-awaited assignments of subjects for the state exams have been released.

Latin to classical, mathematics to scientific, these are the subjects of the second test of the final exam 2025 for high schools. The first foreign language and culture will be taught at the linguistic high school; English language for technical institutes in the economic sector, “Tourism” major; geopedology, economics and appraisal will instead be taught to students in the “Construction, environment and territory” major.

And then, in the “Computer Science and Telecommunications” branch, Computer Science for the “Computer Science” branch and Telecommunications for the “Telecommunications” branch; Multimedia Design in the “Graphics and Communication” branch; Economics, Valuation, Marketing and Legislation for the “Production and Transformation” and “Environmental and Land Management” branches of the Agricultural Institutes (Oenology for the “Viticulture and Oenology” branch).

State exam 2025

So, here begins the countdown for the state exam. Obviously, the same system is confirmed for the 2025 state exam: two written tests of a national nature, a third test only for the specializations where it is foreseen and internal and external examiners. The oral exam, as always, will have a multidisciplinary approach.

The date of the first test common to all addresses has also been chosen: it will take place from 8.30:18 on Wednesday 2025 June XNUMX. Then there will be a second written test, for the characterizing disciplines.

State Exam 2025: the second test and the news last edit: 2025-01-29T18:55:51+01:00 da Staff
