The pandemic in progress is putting the Italian government in a tight spot which, inevitably, must run for cover and try to save what can be saved by closing the ...
Tourists returning from Spain this summer would be the potential "culprits" of the transmission of the Covid virus. It must be clarified, it is the genetic mutation of the ...
Muti writes to Conte. Conte responds to Muti. It is not a confrontation but a question and answer to save the culture. Despite the daily increase in ...
Pandemic emergency: the Conte government is already thinking of a new Dpcm to contain the contagion curve that is still rising steeply. According to the first rumors ...
Still not very comforting news on the covid front. If the situation remains of such gravity, the government of Prime Minister Conte will consider a new turn of the screw….
Italy is once again in a health emergency. The surge in covid infections has brought us back to the abrupt reality. Although some countries like China and Taiwan ...
Covid emergency in Italy, today for the first time the positive cases have exceeded the threshold of 30 thousand. In fact, according to the ministry bulletin ...
Treatment, vaccine and now antibodies. Italy in the front row in the great scientific research race to fight the Coronavirus. A challenge that sees the ...
The Conte government has launched the Ristori decree concerning "urgent measures for the protection of health and for the support of the most important productive sectors ...
The pandemic is advancing inexorably and at a dizzying pace, the situation is quite serious and the European Union plans to step up its responses to stem the spread ...
These are the sectors and categories most affected by the new government provisions to contain the infection from Covid 19. But they should not be left alone….