Easter in red like Christmas, this seems to be the orientation of the national government regarding the anti-Covid restrictions for the upcoming Easter holidays. The new…
Vaccini Covid, the Italian drug agency has banned the use of a batch of doses of Astrazeneca. The decision was made following the reporting of some ...
The first Covid-free train between Rome and Milan will leave in early April. This was announced by the managing director and general manager of FS Gianfranco Battisti, ...
"By the summer, all Italians who want it can be vaccinated." This is what was declared by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to the Half an hour more program ...
Once upon a time there was a perceived danger as far away, terrifying images from the East. Once upon a time there was patient 1 from Codogno, the first red areas ...
Between smart-working and distance learning, the pandemic has upset the family balance, generating anxiety and stress especially in the female universe. This is what emerges from a ...
Covid, over 3 million infections since the start of the pandemic; in the meantime, the new restrictions launched by the government go into effect from next Monday. Over 3 ...
The Coronavirus pandemic continues its constant and rapid advance, meanwhile the national government draws up the Support decree to face the economic crisis. The…
Covid emergency: in Italy, unfortunately, infections are always growing while the EU evaluates the use of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. As for the curve ...
Covid emergency, contagions still growing while the fear that the whole of Italy will become a red zone increases. Meanwhile, the Milano Bicocca University identifies an algorithm that establishes ...
The new Dpcm is in the pipeline, meanwhile the infections continue to rise and in Brescia the Nigerian variant has been isolated. According to the data ...