The payment of theSingle check will be carried out from 17 July 2024 and will continue on 18 and 19 July for the benefit of those families who have already received the benefit in recent months and for whom the installment has not undergone any change. While if the check was the subject of a balance, credit or debit, or if you are waiting for the first month's payment, payment will be made last days of July.

Last June 30th was the last day to present the new Single Substitute Declaration (DSU) to receive the arrears of the single allowance.

Those who, by February 29th, have not presented the document needed to obtain the updated ISEE, starting from March they have only received the minimum amount of the measure, i.e. 57 euros, this is because, without the Indication of the Equivalent Economic Situation, INPS does not have all the elements to calculate the amount due.

Then, families who have not respected the deadline of 30 June will no longer be able to receive the arrears for the months of March, April, May and June.

salary increase

How and where to check the accreditation dates

To check the credit dates of the single allowance, the amounts due to each family and any changes it is necessary to:

– access the personal section “Citizen's social security file” of the INPS portal;

- click on the "Performance" item;
– click on “Payments” item;
- select the current year, 2024.

When do the arrears arrive?

The families who, by 29 February last, have not submitted the new Single Substitute Declaration (DSU) by 29 February last, but that have submitted the DSU by 30 June 2024 will be able to receive the arrears.

Usually the credit takes place the following month upon presentation of the document. For example, if all the procedures were carried out in June, with the July month you will receive the arrears for March, April, May and June.

What happens to those who do not submit the DSU?

Those who have not submitted the DSU for ISEE by 30 June 2024 will no longer be able to receive arrears.

In fact, the presentation of the document starting from July will lead to the adjustment of the amount of the benefit but the sums due starting from last March will no longer be paid.

If you meet the necessary requirements, by submitting the Single Declaration in July, you will receive the increased amount starting from August.

Single Allowance in July 2024, here are the dates last edit: 2024-07-17T07:01:00+02:00 da laracalogiuri
