The Ministry of Education recently presented the “Piano Scuola Equità”, a new strategic intervention aimed at enhancing the quality of the Italian school system and addressing educational inequalities within the Continuity Decree.

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The Plan, already in the implementation phase, includes a series of innovative measures aimed at enhancing the role of teachers and ensuring equal educational opportunities for all students, with particular attention to the most disadvantaged contexts.

Thanks to a 30 million euro funding, allocated within the scope of the Fund for School Inclusion, the Plan aims to intervene on the critical issues that affect the education system, such as school dropout, the management of multiculturalism and the difficulties related to the recruitment and stability of teaching staff.

Priority criteria for resource allocation

The resources of the Plan will be distributed taking into account specific criteria that reflect the main challenges faced by Italian schools:

  • Fighting school dropout: priority will be given to institutions operating in areas characterized by high rates of school dropout, with the aim of ensuring educational continuity and supporting students most at risk.
  • Encouraging inclusion: particular attention will be paid to schools with a strong presence of foreign students and with special educational needs, to promote effective integration and offer personalized paths.
  • Reduce faculty turnover: stabilizing teachers is a priority for building strong school communities and strengthening the bond between teachers, students and families.

How to use resources

Each beneficiary school will be required to develop a plan for the use of the funds, defined through internal bargaining and aimed at enhancing teachers and improving the educational offering. The main ways of using the resources include: providing economic incentives for teachers who work in complex contexts; creating innovative and specific training programs to combat school dropout; implementing cultural and linguistic inclusion projects for foreign students. The initiative is part of a long-term vision for a more equitable and inclusive school system, with three main objectives.

The aim is to ensure stability and continuity of teaching and the permanence of teachers in the same schools is essential to build solid relationships with students and to improve educational results. But among the objectives there are also those of promote integration and social inclusion and promote educational excellence in difficult contexts.

School, Continuity Decree: 30 million more for teachers, here's who last edit: 2024-12-04T18:30:51+01:00 da Staff
