Il school competition, eagerly awaited among teachers, is near. After the Pnrr, here is the Pnrr 2, the competition that will be activated soon.

While for some classes of competitions of the first Pnrr the teachers of the commissions are still at work and the competitions are ongoing. The obligation is to close everything by December 31, 2024, of the hirings foreseen by the PNRR. Then we will start talking about the PNRR 2 with more details.

School: Pnrr 2, call for applications in autumn

The Pnrr 2 announcement should be published between October and November. There will be approximately 20 thousand positions, of which 5785 for support. Minister Valditara confirmed the timing and the positions that will be put up for tender for the next teaching competition

The goal is to reach quota 70 thousand teachers hired by 2026. But the applications will obviously be much more. In the last competition there were about 400 thousand.

At the end of the procedures for hiring teachers scheduled for the 2024/2025 school year, the available positions (which will likely be advertised) amount to a total of 19.032 units, of which: 13.247 on ordinary positions; 5.785 on support positions.

Pursuant to art. 13 paragraph 9 of Ministerial Decree 205/2023, the announcement may provide for a reserve of places, equal to 30% for each Region, competition class and type of place, in favor of those who have carried out, within the deadline for submitting the application for participation, a service at state educational institutions for at least 3 school years, even non-continuously, in the previous 10 years. This reserve it is activated only if the number of positions advertised for each Region/competition class/type of position (which have not yet been defined) is greater than four.

School, Pnrr 2 competition: number of places and timing last edit: 2024-10-07T07:00:00+02:00 da Staff

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