A surprising trend and in the opposite direction to the past for the pnrr2 competition: the candidates for the next school competition have halved, perhaps teaching is no longer fascinating? In a certain sense, it is good news for the participants, considering that mathematically, the competition will be lower.
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The numbers of the competition
The next teaching competition for Italian schools highlights a sharp drop of applications compared to the past. According to union sources, approximately 36.000 applications were submitted for nursery and primary schools, while approximately 202.000 applications were received for lower and upper secondary schools. These numbers mark a sharp drop compared to the previous competition, which counted over 437.000 applications for secondary school and more than 59.000 for nursery and primary school.
Why this collapse in applications for PNRR2?
The reduction in applications could be influenced by several factors, including the perception of difficulty in accessing the world of school and not particularly attractive contractual conditions, but also the decrease in available places has probably discouraged many people from applying.
If in the recent past the competitions attracted a high number of aspiring teachers, today the situation seems to have changed rapidly, highlighting a potential criticality in the Italian school system.
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