Il School bonus 2024/2025, also known as Book Bonus or School Voucher, represents significant financial support for families with school-age children. This contribution is designed to support the right to study, providing vouchers for the purchase of textbooks and, in some regions, also for technological equipment and teaching tools.

School bonus 2024/2025: requirements and methods

The bonus is aimed at families with children enrolled in secondary schools first and second level, whether state, private or included in the regional register of non-private schools.

The contribution is also accessible to students attending courses of vocational education three- or four-year courses accredited by the Region, including those of the dual system.

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To access the 2024/2025 School Bonus, families must meet the ISEE requirements established by your Region or Municipality of residence.

The management and disbursement of the contribution are in fact entrusted to the individual regions, which independently define the specific criteria and regulations for theawarding of the bonus.

The regions that have confirmed the voucher

Some regions have already confirmed the provision of the school bonus for the 2024/2025 school year. In the Lazio, the bonus is intended for secondary school students with an ISEE lower than 15.493,71 euros, and the request must be submitted to the municipality of residence.

In Lombardia, through the "Dote Scuola" program, vouchers with a value between 150 and 500 euros are offered, which can be used for the purchase of books, technological materials and teaching tools. The Piemonte instead it provides a cash contribution for students enrolled in schools or training agencies.

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In Puglia, the bonus is reserved for students with an ISEE not exceeding 11.000 euros, or 14.000 euros in the case of large families with three or more children. There Sicilia guarantees the free supply of textbooks to primary school pupils through the "Library Coupons Portal", integrating the Municipalities in the management of the bonus for the year 2024/2025.

Other regions are currently involved in defining the tenders for the 2024/2025 School Book Bonus. It is recommended to regularly check the official websites of your Municipality and Region to stay updated on deadlines and request methods.

School bonus 2024/2025: how it works and who can request it last edit: 2024-08-26T07:00:00+02:00 da Cristina Gatto
