It is the gastronomic fair event, linked to a single product, the most visited in Italy and the second most visited in Europe afterOktoberfest of Monaco. It opened to Isola della Scala, in the province of Verona, la 54th edition of the Rice Fair. Edition of the restart, until 2 October, after two years of hiatus (due to the pandemic) for a product of excellence, the Vialone Nano rice. Not just a gastronomic event but an event that brings together the quality, history and culture of a territory that has seen a strong sense of belonging and community grow around rice and its cultivation. Of conviviality.


Because, as the organizers of the event recall, "Rice is born from water and dies in wine". But the Fair is also a moment of memory and tradition, in a union between public and private that involves companies, masters of risottari, districts.

Many events with exhibitors and chefs from all over the world

The Isola della Scala Rice Fair, born in 1967 with two small kiosks that wanted to promote this important product of the territory and its most famous dish, the Risotto all'Isolana, today is one point of reference in the world of rice Italian. Observatory on consumption and new trends, on the evolution of the rice sector and supply chain at national and international level. But it is also one great gastronomic event, an unmissable event for hundreds of thousands of visitors that this year is enriched and goes beyond national borders with Taste of Earth. An initiative sponsored by the Veneto Region that will host a week of events with exhibitors and chefs from all over the world.

rice fair 2022

The 2022 edition offers new displays and stands, gastronomic competitions and, for the first time, a project that opens the doors to internationalization.

A conference on the uniqueness of Italian rice

The beating heart of the project will be the conference “The uniqueness of Italian rice: new consumption and communication trends. Italy-Europe market research on the evolution of consumer habits and eating habits ”, to be held on 28 September. A meeting wanted by Consortium for the Protection of Nano Vialone Veronese Rice IGP, which will see experts, researchers and representatives of the rice sector arrive at Palarisitaly Zanotto. But also many young people, ambassadors of rice in the world, of the JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs association which has 350 affiliated restaurants in 15 countries.

Between cooking and entertainment, the winner of Masterchef Tracy Eboigbodin will also be at the Rice Fair

In addition to traditional appointments and competitions, by 27 30 to September visitors will be able to participate in 4 special evenings with foreign chefs, committed to creating haute cuisine dishes with the precious 'white gold' of Isola della Scala. Unmissable will be the event with Tracy Eboigbodin (winner of Masterchef) who, mixing cooking and entertainment, will guide the students of ENAIP - National Acli Education Professional - in the kitchen, thus involving the younger generations.

Risotto all'isolana

Lo starred chef from Verona Matteo Sivero, the youngest in Italy and Europe to be awarded the Michelin star. The Fair is spread over 35 thousand square meters of exhibition spaces with visitors from all regions of Italy and, in recent years, with many guests also from European and non-European countries. All in the presence of the great protagonist of this event, the Vialone Nano Veronese IGP rice and its extraordinary risottos. In 2019, during the last edition held, over 500 dishes were served.

(photo credits: from clip Fiera del Riso Isola della Scala)

The Rice Fair in Isola della Scala, second in Europe only to the Munich Oktoberfest last edit: 2022-09-16T09:30:00+02:00 da Cristina Campolonghi
