The maxi exchange between Pisa and Sampdoria has been holding the bank for some time now. Pisa is very close to De Luca and Torregrossa, two strikers of sure thickness for Serie B. La Sampdoria Leverbe asked and will be satisfied. The negotiation is in the details and should be concluded between tomorrow and Wednesday.

In the last few hours, however, another name has appeared: Leris. Pisa is looking for a strong midfielder and (since on the Kurtic front there are no news), a survey was carried out for the flexible Sampdoria midfielder. It is difficult to understand whether Leris will be part of this mega-exchange or whether a separate negotiation will start for him.

Pisa- Sampdoria: hot track and another name in the cauldron last edit: 2022-07-17T08:52:58+02:00 da Antonio Murone
