Pinocchio, the most beloved Italian fairy tale in the world, returns in a new adaptation for Netflix, Directed by Guillermo DelToro. Announced a few days ago by the director himself on Twitter, on July 28 the first teaser trailer of the film was finally released, arriving in December on the streaming platform. Pinocchio by Guillermo Del Toro it will be a movie in stop motion. Unlike other adaptations, such as the recent direct feature film by Matthew Garrone, this version will be rather "dark"(In full Del Toro style). To give the voice to famous wooden puppet, in the original dub, it will be gregory mann. Ecosystem's staff is talking cricket (narrator of the story) will have the voice of Ewan McGregor e Mastro Geppetto di David Bradley. There will be other "author's voices", such as John Turturro (Master Cherry), Cate Blanchett (Sp equipment) e Finn Wolfhard (Wick).
Pinocchio by Guillermo Del Toro e Mark Gustafson comes after a long and troubled journey that lasted 14 years. The Mexican director had already announced his intention to shoot a feature film on Collodi puppet in a 2008. Due to slowdowns and budget problems, the project seemed to have stalled until, in 2018, Netflix bought the rights to the film. After four years, Del Toro's dream seems to have come true.
Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro: plot and previews
This new feature film about Pinocchio, unlike the story of Collodi which did not have a precise timeline (probably the second half of the nineteenth century), will be set in theItaly in the 30s. This is the dark period offascist era. Although Del Toro was inspired by the original story, he decided to change some particular aspects to make the film more current. As you can see from the trailer, Geppetto is a man torn with pain, after the loss of his beloved son. Using his skills as a carver he creates a wooden puppet, made from the trunk of a tree that stands next to his son's grave. Thanks to magic, the puppet comes to life, but he will have to deal with a world to be discovered. Pinocchio is a film about pain, But also love e hope, of a "puppet with a soul on loan”Which will have to fill the days of the old Mastro Geppetto with light.
Guillermo Del Toro's will not be the only film about Pinocchio coming in 2022. In fact, in September the live action of the readjustment of Disney animated film of the 1940, with Tom Hanks in the role of Mastro Geppetto. The film, directed by Robert Zemeckis, will be available on the Disney streaming platform starting next year September 8thOn the occasion of Disney + Day Premiere.
Whether it's the Disney re-adaptation or the darker Guillermo del Toro film, Pinocchio is always a story full of magic, which knows how to enchant children and adults of all ages. Appointment next December to discover this new little stop-motion masterpiece by Guillermo Del Toro.
Featured photo: © Netflix / Guillermo Del Toro (Twitter).
How beautiful 🙂