Poste Italiane will progressively introduce a national service which will allow you to request passports directly at your local post office. This innovation follows an experimentation phase started a few months ago in smaller municipalities. Here's who will be able to benefit from it and how to proceed with the request.

Passports at the Italian Post Office, details

The new service for requesting passports from the Post Office will be gradually implemented throughout the national territory. Starting from July 2024, all post offices will be equipped to provide the passport issuing and renewal service.

Poste Italiane started an experimental phase in Emilia Romagna several months ago, initially involving 31 offices in the province of Bologna, with the aim of extending the initiative to all municipalities with fewer than 15.000 inhabitants.

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The plans, however, have been revised: all post offices will offer the service, and the nationwide expansion will begin in July this year. The announcement was made by the CEO of Poste, Giuseppe Lasco, who specified that the service will be progressively extended to all post offices in Italy without distinctions between small and large urban centers.

The full implementation of the service will take place gradually, although a detailed roadmap has not yet been released.

The procedure

The procedure is available to all adult citizens residents in the municipalities where the service is active. In the future, it will also be extended to minors. The passport for minors is valid for five years (for ages between three and eighteen) or three years (for younger children).

The procedure for applying for a passport at the post office is simple. Applicants must submit two identical photos that meet the requirements (color image, neutral expression, eyes open, white background, looking directly at the camera). Photos do not require legalization and can be taken directly at the post office.

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Additionally, you must provide the tax payment receipts from €73,50 and a postal slip from €42,50, together with an identity document and a copy of the same. If you are requesting a new passport due to loss, theft, damage or expiry of your previous one, you must also present your old passport or a copy of the theft/loss report. If the applicant's domicile is different from the residence, it is necessary to complete a form to certify the domicile.

After submitting the necessary documents and information, applicants will receive a receipt indicating the police office responsible for issuing the passport and the procedure code. The passport can be collected once it is ready, usually by 15 30-days, or applicants can request home delivery.

Passports at the Post Office: instructions and details on how to request them last edit: 2024-05-20T14:14:50+02:00 da Cristina Gatto
