Orange zone for Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria. This thanks to the latest monitoring of the Higher Institute of Health.
A data improvement, so much so as to allow the coveted promotion regions, from red to orange. The contagion curve has stabilized. They have also dropped the Rt contagion index and the pressure on hospitals. They therefore change some of the rules envisaged in the last Dpcm for the three regions.
Orange zone what changes
However, the orange zone is subject to a curfew from 22pm to 5am. During this time slot it is forbidden to go out except for health reasons; work, and other tasks that cannot be postponed. Breaking the curfew risks one fine from 400 to 1000 euros. About the movements, it will be anyway it is forbidden to leave one's own municipality, except for work, education, health or necessity reasons. However, within its own territory it will be possible move freely from 5 to 22 without self-certification. Finally, it will be necessary to respect the spacing, avoiding gatherings. During the curfew, you will be able to go out only for needs specified in the self-certification. Remains in force on ban on moving from one Region to another; if not for work needs. However, the possibility of returning to one's home or residence is guaranteed.
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