No changes for the moment: Italy will not have a new national lockdown but will remain divided into zones. Almost a year after the total closure of our country due to the Covid pandemic, there shouldn't be a hard line. In fact the Government it would be evaluating the possibility of targeted closures only in the areas most exposed to risk. However, trusting in the population and respecting the rules that should not be lacking. The hypothesis would be under consideration by the Government which is about to ask the Chamber and the Senate for confidence. The new government led by Prime Minister Mario Draghi is developing a strategy to deal with the emergency. It is one of the fundamental points to be addressed in order to improve the fortunes of the country.

Total lockdown to be excluded for Italy
“Palazzo Montecitorio - Rome” by Lorenzoclick is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Caution and rigor to avoid total lockdown

However, the times are very short: in fact, decisions must be taken by 5 March. The deadline is that of the expiry of the Dpcm in force which must be modified or integrated. But the government would be ready for a soft line to help the economy first and foremost. These are still indiscretions from Palazzo Chigi. No total lockdowns but targeted closures. In fact, it is the variants arriving from other countries that are scary. Like the English, Brazilian and South American variant which triggered the alarm again. Therefore, the various regions where there are more cases, or even individual cities, are closed.

Skiing activities remain closed. It was the government that decided it. The ordinance of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, was in fact agreed in detail with Draghi. If there are no national lockdowns, Italy will still be divided by color. Regions in orange or red remain, while a large part of Italy is in yellow. On the other hand, Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health, had asked for a total closure. Currently the local red areas are Umbria, Abruzzo and Lazio.

The remaining provisions

Not only the local closures but also other provisions remain unchanged. In fact, with the date of March 5, in all likelihood, the curfew will be extended from 22pm to 5am. It will also be forbidden to cross regional borders. It will be possible to hypothesize a greater opening and therefore a relaxation of the provisions only when the vaccination campaign is well under way. But above all, the emergence of variants must be overcome. The vaccination campaign remains a solid point of government policy.

The vaccination campaign needs to be strengthened

Vaccine coverage

And so the aim is to extend vaccines to the entire population. In fact, Prime Minister Draghi in the guidelines of his speech to the Chambers for trust should speak precisely of the vaccination campaign. In fact, among the hypotheses to accelerate the spread of vaccines, Draghi thinks about the use of civil protection and the army. The use of large public structures such as barracks, gyms, airport hangars is also hypothesized. There is therefore great expectation for the words of the new Prime Minister. The goal is to get out of this situation and restart the national economy. If in fact the yellow areas are allowing to restart many organisers' activities stopped for some time, however, the need to respect the rules remains. Maintain social distancing as a rule of life and get vaccinated to achieve that necessary herd immunity. 

Hypothesis of the government, no total lockdown but Italy divided into zones last edit: 2021-02-17T09:00:00+01:00 da Federica Puglisi

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