Music consumption in multiple countries in 2016

The age range concerned ranges from 16-64 years; and a small parenthesis dedicated to the youngest aged 13-15. It immediately emerges that subscription streaming services - such as Spootify - are becoming increasingly polar in the youth class. Especially for the cross section of young people under twenty-five; willing to pay to access a streaming music service. But what makes the result of the research interesting is the approach to music of young people between 13-15 years of age. The latter seem to be very sensitive on the subject of licensed music. In fact, a considerable percentage - about 67% - are convinced that the artist's creativity should be adequately rewarded. In this regard, more than half buy streaming subscription services.

Consumption of Music in Italy in 2016

La FIMI, devotes his attention to research conducted on Italian territory. The conceptual picture of the situation reveals some interesting parameters. In a first point, it is clear that 77% of those interviewed on national soil make use of listening to legal music; what you need to know, however, is that 85% of the latter fall into the 13-15 age groups. It seems clear that, even in our peninsula, it is young people who hold the helm of the music market firmly. But it doesn't stop there. In fact, 52% of this large portion of listener prefers to buy music or take out subscriptions for listening in streaming.

We therefore ask ourselves which service is used by the interested group between the ages of 16-64, for listening to music. The most popular platform seems to be Youtube, chosen by 95% of the interviewees of the segment in question. But the relationship between the age groups, as a matter of ethics, seems to reveal an aspect that acts in an inversely proportional way; those interviewed in the 16-64 range use “stream ripping” systems, a form of piracy that has recently increased dramatically. 45% of the same band use it assiduously; having taken note of this data, it is interesting to note that there is more ethical behavior in the 13-15 range than in the 16-64 range, which prefers to opt for stream rips.

It is interesting to underline how much the search for new music belongs to the youth group 13-15, rather than fossilizing on a single playlist. And this is excellent news for Italian musicians who intend to make their project known to an ever wider audience.

Clicking , here the complete search can be accessed.

Result of a recent global research conducted by Ipsos Connect, commissioned by IFPI, who investigated the behaviors of today's young music consumers.

Music and Consumption: what do young Italians prefer? last edit: 2016-11-14T12:00:01+01:00 da Charles Feast

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