Eliana by profession is the journalist. After years of precarious work in Milan, she followed her husband to the capital of Bavaria, where he plans to remain indefinitely. Despite having chosen a profession that thrives on words and therefore changing country and language is even more difficult. Moved with two children, she found a job in an Italian-German newspaper ed she is happy to have chosen Monaco, a family-friendly city.

monaco a family-friendly city
Eliania moved to Munich three years ago with her husband and two children. A life project now.

 Munich, a family-friendly city: the transfer and the impact with German

Since when have you been in Munich and why this choice?

We arrived three years ago because the company my husband worked for had offered him to move to the headquarters, which is right here in Bavaria. Now this is a life project, we do not plan to return.

Did you know German before going to Munich?

I had it studied in high school and I knew him well enough. But when I arrived theimpact was traumatic, I had a hard time understanding. I had to do some documents, for example: a nightmare. Furthermore, many here speak Bavarian, which is a separate language, different from German. So I took some language courses and will start another one shortly. Also because my husband could choose which language to speak in at work and he chose German and not English. On the other hand, I am in an editorial office with an Italian majority, so I practice it less.

Obviously i children going to kindergarten they are learning it. The oldest still makes mistakes every now and then, but it happened to me that a person on the street spoke to us: I understood half of what she said, she all. It amazed me how well she knows him. But she is a thrower and as soon as she arrived she wanted to play with the other children in the park and even if she did not know the language she approached anyway.

The child is smaller. She was six months old when we moved. But they are both intended for bilingualism, even if at school we will make them attend Italian courses: they speak it at home, but in this way they will also learn to write it.

Munich, a family-friendly city: friendships and work

What kind of city is Munich?

Monaco is the most "Italian" city in all of Germany. We are happy for this too. Here everyone knows a little Italian and loves our country very much. I must say that they immediately accepted us. In the building we live in, there are only Germans apart from us and another family, but we have excellent relations with everyone. So there are no major problems integrating. Even if it must be said that they are not very tolerant with those who break the rules. Following the rules is their strength, but also their limit. Then at the moment we made friends especially with Italian-German families who bring their children to the same school as ours.

monaco a family-friendly city
Munich, the capital of Bavaria, is the most "Italian" city in Germany. Even if emigrants lack the food and climate of our country.

What are you doing now?

In Italy I was a freelance. I had the opportunity to enter an editorial office to do the internship and then the exam as a professional journalist, but otherwise I have always been an external collaborator. So I was able to take the work with me. Then for a year or so I found a collaboration here, with an Italian-German magazine. At the moment I work in the editorial office for a maternity replacement. However, in order to progress I have to continue studying German: in Germany it is important to have certificates that testify to your skills. Then I will follow something specific for journalism.

Munich, a family-friendly city: a final decision

So think about staying in Munich.

Yes. This is also why we want to learn the language well. In this town we are fine, it is really suitable for families and children. I like the education system they offer. They do a lot sports, they are atopen air, the school offers many courses and activities, even the kindergarten. Then in Germany there is an ingrained culture of the outdoors and it is full of green spaces. There are parks everywhere and areas dedicated to children in any club.

Also the motherhood is very supportive. It lasts three years, in which you have an insured job. As a freelancer you have one. You can also alternate the leave between mom and dad and in the first year of the child's life the state gives you a financial contribution. I even received it even though I had just arrived. After this year, all the information on childcare comes to your home, such as choosing a school or applying for other funds.

This clearly means that many families have three children. Also because they start earlier. I practically do not exist at university and we enter the world of work first. This makes it easier to have stability and have younger children.

Monaco, a family-friendly city: the story of Eliana last edit: 2017-04-14T07:57:29+02:00 da Julia Gagliardi

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