In the last period, the various operators of mobile they compete with each other for consumers' attention. They all offer different options to choose from based on your needs. But let's look at the most interesting ones


What do telephone operators offer?

It is certainly a novelty SkyMobile which, at the cost of 7,95 euros per month offers 150 GB and 100 text messages at the maximum speed achievable by the mobile phone in the user's area, in 4G or 5G.

Another interesting offer comes from Optima Mobile on the Vodafone network which, with the “Optima Super Mobile Smart” offer, offers 200 SMS and 100 GB with speed 4G for 4,95 euros per month. According to the "SosTariffe" observatory this is the best low cost offer at the moment.

Other telephone offers

There are many options offered by fun with varying costs from 3,98 euros per month with 1 GB (+2 GB reserve) and 100 minutes and text messages to 7,98 euros per month with 150 GB (+300 reserve) 2000 minutes and 500 text messages. All the GB not used in the previous months go into reserve, it is the only operator that allows this.

kena offers, for users who come from Iliad or from virtual ones like Poste, offers a 5,99 € unlimited minutes per month, 200 SMS and 100 GB of 4G data, offer equal to that of Ho, but can be activated by everyone and limited to 30 Mbps.

Very mobile at the cost of 5,99 € per month makes available 150 GB, minutes ed unlimited sms and, for those who subscribe by March 25, one month of charging in tribute.

Which to prefer?

As things stand, there are no objective elements to establish which is the best operator, apart from the fact that, according to "Altroconsumo" Vodafone is the fastest operator, followed by Tim and Fastweb, while according to "Ookla" the podium goes to to Fastweb followed by WindTre and Vodafone.

What is convenient for users is to compare the various offers, not only considering the price, but also the maximum speed that can be reached and the other services available, such as roaming tariffs for those traveling outside Europe.

Mobile telephony, comparison of operators' offers last edit: 2024-03-18T09:51:32+01:00 da laracalogiuri
