Italian men find themselves daily faced with important dilemmas, epic questions to which they must necessarily give answers. Does the mortgage have to be at a fixed or variable rate? Should the machine be purchased new or used? Is there parmesan or pecorino in the carbonara? Should the mother-in-law be invited or ignored? A wrong answer, too hasty, instinctive, can affect the quality of their life, compromising it inexorably! Fortunately, the psychophysical wear and tear deriving from so much thinking finds at least once a year a break, in the summer, under the umbrella, a moment of relaxation and suspension, a period of sacred vacation, a sort of beneficial cosmic interruption. Unfortunately in truth, not all dilemmas stay at home !!
briefs or boxers?
Before performing on the beach, Italian men must choose how to show off their lean, muscular, or round and sweaty bodies.
Should they enhance the sculptural beauty of their turtles sculpted by hours and hours of the gym, or should they try to mitigate the impact of their flesh in the illegal occupation of space?
The choice is not easy because the risk of falling into ridicule or not properly valuing a not bad body is unfortunately just around the corner. Italian men who undress on the beach, what do they choose to cover their nudity: briefs or boxers?
the slip
Lo brief in itself represents a bold, convinced, safe choice, it is the garment that lends itself to highlighting a toned and handsome physique, underlining its care and training. Usually it is the choice of sportsmen, of men confident in their body, of those who understand the holiday as a sort of natural stage where they can take the deserved applause for having worked all winter in the care of their body, it is the choice of those who they want to show themselves.
Unfortunately on the Italic sands, the slip unfortunately ends up covering the family jewels, creating a sort of thong effect, covered by bellies overflowing with happiness.
And here we could open an almost philosophical discussion: is an athletic man who chooses briefs on the beach more deserving of compliments or the out-of-shape man who courageously chooses to focus all attention on the abundance of his presence?
Courage should always be rewarded. What matters is the smile. Quite right?
the boxer
The boxer is instead a strategic choice, typical of the thoughtful, moderate, modest man, of the one who never wants to exceed in showing himself, who does not want to get noticed too much. The boxer tells another story, that of men who don't think about showing their bodies on the beach, but enjoy the place, the dialogue, the journey, the pleasant company of others "boxers.
They are probably men more accustomed to enjoying the very essence of the holiday.
However, they must also pay some attention: if the boxer has too bright colors, you risk the effect "child never grown”, If he also starts playing ball or with the shovel and the bucket then the omelette is done.
The other risk is to visually halve your height if you make the mistake of choosing a boxer that is too long, or a seventies boxer with built-in belly. In the latter case it is absolutely forbidden to play bowls !!
Italian men ...
Whatever a man's choice of what to show off on the beach, what always matters is how this choice is lived. In fact, it is never only the garment that is judged by the observer, but always the way in which this dresses the person and the way in which the person dresses the garment.
But does summer 2016 belong to men with briefs in tune with Rio's Olympic theme or with men with boxers, more focused on finding the pokémon on the towels of their umbrella neighbors?
Any summer always belongs to those who live it with carefree and harmony, it belongs to men who feel at ease whatever the model of their costume, whether it is a thong, a slip, a boxer, a bermuda or a burkini, the important thing is that they show it off freely, recharging their batteries during the holiday, because when they return home the above dilemmas, especially that of the mother-in-law, will return unperturbed to once again disturb their italic everyday life.
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