In 2024, the ranking on quality of life del Sole 24 Ore highlighted the best Italian cities based on different age groups. Sondrio establishes itself as the ideal city for children, while Trento maintains its primacy for the elderly. Gorizia, on the other hand, emerges as the destination of excellence for young people under 35.
Quality of life parameters and geographical disparities in Italy
The Sole 24 Ore ranking is based on 12 statistical parameters provided by authoritative sources such as Istat, Infocamere, Iqvia, Siae and the Ministry of the Interior. These parameters measure crucial aspects of territorial well-being, including social spending for families and minors, the presence of equipped green areas and PNRR projects for education.
Despite some excellences, Italy still presents significant disparities between North and South. Several provinces in the South, in fact, are at the bottom of the ranking. The well-being of the elderly also sees southern provinces in difficulty.
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The data shows a decline in the number of paediatricians, from over 17.000 in 2023 to 16.000 in 2024, and an increase in the average age for the first child, now at around 32 years. For the elderly, the consumption of antidepressant drugs increases, while the number of nurses available for treatment decreases.
The best Italian cities to live in
Sondrio took first place for the quality of life of children. Compared to the 2022 edition, the city has made a significant leap forward. Ravenna and Trieste are also on the podium, with Gorizia standing out not only for young people, but also for the general well-being of its small inhabitants. The index considers various factors such as the presence of school gardens, adequate living spaces and efficient municipal services.
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For those under 35, Gorizia it is at the top of the list of the best cities, followed by Ravenna, which took first place in 2023, and Forlì-Cesena. Ferrara and Piacenza are also among the top positions, offering opportunities for growth and well-being for young residents. The indices used include parameters such as youth entrepreneurship and the opportunities to transform fixed-term contracts into stable relationships.
Trento confirms itself at the top for the quality of life of the elderly, with Trentino Alto Adige demonstrating a clear prevalence in guaranteeing a peaceful and comfortable existence for its older inhabitants. Lombardy and Veneto follow closely, with Como, Cremona and Lodi among the top ten positions. In Veneto, Treviso, Vicenza, Padua and Verona stand out for their commitment to the well-being of the elderly.
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