Parma and the best city for quality of life 2021. This is what emerges from the ranking (now in the 23esima edition) drawn up by ItaliaOggi, In collaboration with the 'La Sapienza University di Rome e Cattolica Insurance. To create the updated list of cities where you live best, 9 parameters were considered: Business and work, Environment, Human capital formation, Population (less influential than in the past), Income, Healthcare, Safety, Social desease e Free time. Compared to last year Parma she managed to climb well 39 positions, removing the primacy a Pordenone (now in ninth place). There top 10 of the Italian cities where you live best in 2021 also includes Trento, Bolzano, Bologna, Milan, Florence, Trieste, Verona, Pordenone e Monza and Brianza. Rome instead it slips to the 54th position (50th in 2020). Evil instead i small towns, especially of the Southern Italy, which are found almost all after mid-table.

Italian cities where you live better 2021 - ItaliaOggi ranking
Photo: © ItaliaOggi.

Italian cities where you live better 2021: the gap between North and South increases

If the top ten cities where you live best are all metropolises of North-Central Italy, the last places are occupied by cities of the South. Messina, Palermo, Catania, Caltanissetta, Vibo Valentia, Taranto, SIRACUSA, Foggia, Napoli e Crotone are in fact the cities with the worse quality of life. This gap is also partly due to the pandemic, as the big cities of the North have been able to better deal with the health and social crisis, recovering more quickly than other cities. Of course, the lower part is not only made up of cities in the South, but important centers in the North-Center also appear, such as Asti, Como, Alexandria, Vercelli, La Spezia e Rimini.

Italian cities where you live better 2021 -Piazza pretoria Palermo

Going specifically, the research by ItaliaOggi shows other interesting details. Eg Milan and the best city regarding the income, but it's one of the worst on the subject of security (the best is Aosta). Siena ranks first for the section Free time, Followed by Rimini e Aosta. Trieste is at the top of the chart for Education training, Reggio Emilia for the Environment, while Bolzano e Bologna for Business and work. The only confirmation is Isernia, the best in the industry Healthcare. As for the general classification, even in the specific sections the cities of the South are (for the most part) at the bottom. Exceptions are the aforementioned Milan for safety and Trento for the Health system.

The relationship of the cities where you live best 2021 is the photograph of aItaly more and more split between North and South. To overcome this gap, according to ItaliaOggi, we should opt for a better management of funds of the PNRR (National Plan of Resistance and Resilience) for the Noon. Will all this be enough or is it a problem destined to remain unsolved?

Italian cities where you live better 2021: Parma on top of the podium last edit: 2021-11-18T09:00:00+01:00 da Antonello Ciccarello
