We are pleased to inform you that another city has joined our network.
About us
We are a group of friends who joined the ambitious project of italiani.it. Our goal, our mission, our desire is to let the whole world know the stories, wonders and curiosities of our city.
We want to enhance, promote and spread everything that makes us proud of our land and become a point of reference for all of us in the world.
We want to do it through the words and testimonies of us citizens, giving a voice to all those who want to tell a story, an experience or an initiative of our city. There is nothing more beautiful than sharing with someone the beauties - often unknown - that surround us. If you love your city, join us!
Our ITeam:
Julieta B. Mollo
Journalist and Professor of Italian Language. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1991. Fanatic of television series and films. I don't know how to be without music. Italy is part of my history. "It always seems impossible until it's done."
Laura Tori
Soy Laura. Ilustradora, dibujante, lover of contar y escribir historias. Sueño con crear un mundo mejor, or al menos dejarlo mejor de lo that the encontré desde el día en que nací. Me inspiran los viajes, el arte, las culturas ...
Leonardo Agustin Motteta
Politólogo graduado en la UNR. Soy consultor político, investigador of the Centro de Estudios de Política Internacional (UBA) and editor. Nieto de ítalianos, I am interested in the history and culture of the pueblos. De Rosario y de Central.
Leticia Lelli Part
Médica en proceso. Descendiente de italianos y ciudadana del mundo. "If you can dream it you can do it".
Maria Marinelli
Soy estudiante de la carrera de Comunicación Social in the Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Member of the Asociación Familia Molisana de Rosario. Me gusta viajar, leer y conocer acerca de las diferentes culturas que existen en el mundo, en especial…
Marina Artese Grillo
Soy de origen Italian, tres de mis cuatro abuelos son oriundos de Calabria, de Vibo Valentia y de Crotone. Soy Licenciada y Profesora Superior en Letras, especializada en Lenguas Clásicas. Además trabajo as teacher and librarian in a secondary school ...
Kevin Sweet
Mi nombre es Kevin Dolce y born in the city of Rosario. Soy estudiante de Psicología (UNR), certified community manager and creator of the page "Rosario Por Conocer".