La music takes the field to help Italy against the coronavirus. #iosoundfromhome is the solidarity music project launched by Frank Zanetti, director of the Rockol site, immediately married by Maximilian Longo by Allmusicitalia. There are already many Italian artists who have joined the initiative, dedicating mini concerts live on social networks to entertain the public at home: from Gianna Nannini to Ermal Meta, Mahmood, Rocco Hunt.

But not only. Even better is the campaign launch of fundraising which will be donated to intensive therapy where patients suffering from are hospitalized coronavirus. It will please everyone to spend a few hours in good music company. A calendar with all the concerts available day by day. L'list is constantly updated.

#iosuonodacasa, concerts from home are underway

Many important digital publications in the music world promptly joined the #iosuonodacasa project: Frequency Italian, Musicadalpalco, Newsic, Ondefunky, Onstage and Optimagazine. In a note, the organizers explain that the idea was born "to give maximum visibility to the many spontaneous initiatives that are being born around Italy" in this moment of covid19 emergency. In fact, many artists have already organized themselves to create “home” concerts to be disseminated via social media. An idea that has also taken hold to "replace" as much as possible the live concerts that are currently suspended throughout Italy after the restrictions imposed by the government for stem the pandemic.

Here's how to get involved

The #iosuonodacasa initiative is open to everyone. Who will decide to participate however, it will have to comply with some conditions. First of all, include in your communication via press, radio, TV and social media the hashtag #iosuonodacasa. It will then be necessary to communicate the day and time of one's own domestic performance to the email address [email protected]. This will give the opportunity to update real-time thecalendar with all the concerts. The calendar will be available on all the musical sites that gave life to the project and which will also be freely usable by other information sites with the only bond of the quote from the hashtag #iosuonodacasa.

Solidarity SMS

The aim of the musical project is not just to make us spend some time happily. The even more ambitious mission is urge and collect micro donations via text message by spectators of “domestic concerts". The funds raised are intended to increase the beds of the intensive care unit ofNiguarda hospital in Milan engaged in the coronavirus emergency. L'Italian National Singers Association has granted #iosuonodacasa the use of his own solidarity number 45527, which starting from Saturday March 14 will collect donations by phone (also with the hashtag #iodonodacasa).

A supportive sms for intensive care

The value of the donation is 2 euros for each sms sent from your mobile. Donations can also be made from landline always at the number 45527 and it is possible to donate 5 or 10 euros. The artists will have to commit, during their “from home” concert, to a always make the solidarity telephone number visible so that viewers can make donations. Another good initiative that will help us to better face the moment of crisis that Italy is experiencing and to help the hospitals committed to stem covid19.

# Italian in the heart

#iosuonodacasa: many Italian artists for a solidarity project last edit: 2020-03-14T10:05:04+01:00 da Raffaella Christmas

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