The power of information, if associated with a good strategy of dissemination and media communication, would be such as to inject into the minds of those who read, or listen, sufficient knowledge to guarantee an adequate exercise of their democratic function, within a context of the which one vote, or the sum of these, influence and determine the reversibility of the social and political scenarios of a people. However, lately we find ourselves having to face the other side of information. Treats or annotations on certain facts whose purpose is not to inform; but to misinform the reader who is the recipient of the fallacious news. The question that arises spontaneously will be the following; what is the purpose of knowingly spreading false news? The reason is simple, and it is of an economic nature.

Information, disinformation and hoaxes

Disinformation is nothing more than the alter ego of information. But there is a character which makes them similar in the exercise of their diffusion; that is, the economic benefit that is derived from the advertisements that are contained in them. For some time there has been talk of "hoax" news. News that, no, do not produce quality mozzarella milk; but misinformation for minds not very perceptive in grasping the lack of reliability. And these news, on the web, mean for some a real business worth thousands of euros. That is, there are virtual platforms that intentionally produce false news, the header of which must be carefully burning for a certain and immediate spread of the fake scandal, since thanks to the advertising traffic deriving from the spasmodic sharing, the economic benefits will be obtained.

Various sites to be wary of

Recently, for example, a hoax news whose header marked an alleged statement by Gentiloni, the new Italian Prime Minister, has caused a lot of discussion. This scandalous statement concluded "Gentiloni shock: 'Italians learn to make sacrifices and stop complaining ”. This hoax has been the most shared news lately by Italian users. Furthermore, this misinforming news has a source. I am speaking, in fact, of

Currently the (dis) service of the site has been suspended by the company Edit, a company on which the journalist Paolo Attivissimo, in collaboration with David Puente, an expert in online tracking, conducted an investigation to reveal the mechanisms put into practice to draw economic benefits from the hoaxes. Not only the aforementioned company is configured as manager and guardian of the hoax sites; but it manages the procedures of deceptive machination and profits before the subordinates. From this discovery, however, there are two emerging data. The first paraphrases the ambition, which knows no ethical constraints, of those who want to speculate on social hardship; the second tells of an Italy that ignores the education of information sources. That is all that necessary process, which in adverse times such as these, should worry the reader to make sure that the information sources with which the latter interfaces, are reliable or not.

In conclusion, we invite you to be wary of any information that comes from sites producing hoaxes like these:



Information on the web: Italian websites of buffaloes last edit: 2016-12-19T19:24:10+01:00 da Charles Feast
