It can be considered a typical specialty of Genoese street food. There are many variations but the original one is only one so much that a brand has even been established a few years ago to protect the recipe and the specialty.. Today we will let you discover the history and traditions of the "Genoese focaccia" also known as "fugassa", a leavened product that is only apparently simple, but with characteristics that make it a specialty of Italian cuisine loved by everyone, young and old. Not only in Genoa.

the ingredients of the Genoese focaccia

The history of the Genoese focaccia

Soft inside and crunchy on the edges and on the outside, the Genoese focaccia has an ancient history. And woe to consider it as a simple product from forno, covered with oil and salt. The purists of this specialty would be very angry. Yes, because the Genoese focaccia has a very ancient history. It is said that in the fourteenth century there was a large wooden shovel in the ovens used to bake a product that probably should not have been placed in a pan, but cooked directly on the top of the oven. And then again in the sixteenth century used for weddings or even funerals.

He will be alone in the nineteenth century that the Genoese cookbooks will report the recipe for focaccia. Even if it seems that the recipe has evolved over time compared to the original one. And it seems that yeast was not used but mother yeast. Then considered as the food of travelers and fishermen, its origins they would also be linked to the very long waiting times that the bakers had to face during their working nights. For this they baked pieces of unleavened dough directly on the base of the oven. When cooked they were good to eat.

The use of focaccia in gastronomy

The thickness of the focaccia must not exceed 2 centimeters, it can be enjoyed both for breakfast, soaked in milk or instead of bread accompanied with a good glass of dry white wine, with cheeses and cold cuts. But do you want to know what his recipe is? Very simple: white soft wheat flour, water, malt extract, brewer's yeast, fine salt for the dough and coarse salt for the dressing, extra virgin olive oil. The classic version of the Genoese focaccia had a mixture of white flour, a pinch of salt and a few drizzles of olive oil and water. The dough spread out on a baking tray and then tap the surface with your fingers. The focaccia was then cooked in a very hot oven. Today there are others variants. There are those who add rosemary and even olives or onions.

A trademark to protect this specialty

To defend and protect this typical focaccia of Genoa, the bakers of Liguria have decided to establish the Collective Trademark of the "Focaccia Genovese". The recognition dates back to 1996: its realization is simple as established by the production regulations for flour, extra virgin olive oil, yeast, sea salt, water, malt extract. Are you ready to prepare it then? Space for imagination.

At “fugassa genovese”, the secrets of the focaccia loved by all last edit: 2021-08-25T12:30:00+02:00 da Federica Puglisi

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