That is an all-female choir of the Farnesina directed by Nancy Milesis Romano. The singers are of different nationalities and have in common a love for singing and music.
Born in September 2008, the choir has perfected its repertoire in the field of Baroque music. The choir has performed in many foreign countries and has participated in various top-level initiatives, always obtaining great response from the public and critics. The direction of the Farnesina Choir is a rather complex commitment, every year registers arrivals and departures but, the director holds firmly to the leadership of the group. To achieve perfect harmony in such a heterogeneous group, each performance is preceded by days of rehearsals and meetings and, in the end, the magic happens, every time.
Nancy Milesis Romano
Nancy Milesis Romano is the founder of the choir. She was born in Argentina, into a family of musicians. She graduated in piano and opera singing at National Conservatory of Buenos Aires, is a singer, concert artist, specializing in Baroque music. You have also studied and worked in the USA, Mexico, Germany, Georgia and Ukraine. During your career you have also conducted prestigious Baroque music festivals.
Photo source: Mario Mintoff