Il homemade ice cream is undoubtedly the favorite of 93% of Italians and the flavor options available to lovers of this dessert are many.

Every summer Italian ice cream makers make new and captivating combinations ready to satisfy the tastes of lovers of this fresh dessert which has distant origins, in fact, the creation of first ice cream it dates back to 1565 in Florence, by Bernardo Buontalenti who created a lemon sorbet using snow, salt, sugar, milk and egg whites.

What are the favorite Italian days?

Among the flavors most loved by Italians the first place is occupied, undoubtedly by chocolate, followed, in order of ranking, by hazelnut, lemon and strawberry.

But in recent years the demand for organic and vegan ice creams, but now in most ice cream shops you can also find ice creams for celiac and for intolerant to classic ingredients. 

The heat is coming: artisanal ice cream, what is Italians' favorite flavour? last edit: 2024-05-22T08:31:49+02:00 da laracalogiuri
