UK Student Filing Questionnaire, Racism or Ignorance?

It will also be the usual polemic of the Italians. But behind that questionnaire in Britain there is a lot of ignorance and where there is ignorance there is very often racism. The reference is to the famous questionnaire for access to educational facilities in the United Kingdom. Scrolling through the drop-down menu you have to choose your own language between Italian, Neapolitan, Sicilian, other unspecified Italian languages ​​and without any reference to belonging to our country, Sardinian. After a moment of general indignation, many journalists of the Italian press have begun to beat up "the usual polemics", that is, those who feel discriminated against by that document.

È the fault of the Italians

These journalists have clearly defended the UK, saying that at most it is an episode in which the British made a small mistake, but for a good purpose. According to them the classification had to be of support to the pupils. In short, the English are bunglers but more evolved than us, while the Italians are polemic with provincialism.

But if the intent of the English school had really been that, why not linguistically support the Romans, the Milanese or the Friulians? In any case, the issue was resolved with an apology from the British Foreign Ministry and the removal of the items from the questionnaire.

But the fact remains, the UK is getting more racist every day

The linguistic questionnaire that generated a wave of indignation in Italy is actually the least serious fact. Many others are the most important indications of a racist drift in the UK. The latest shot by British Prime Minister Theresa May was the proposal to no longer offer maternity care to foreign mothers. According to this proposal, those who want to give birth on English soil will first have to present a passport to check their nationality. Non-English mothers will therefore have to pay the hefty bill of a private clinic. This could become law well before the UK leaves Europe.

Theresa May's isolationist aims and the disruption of a society

On the subject of government consultants, things are no better. To study brexit strategies, the British government has in fact decided not to hire any consultants of foreign origin. In fact, May has made it known that she does not want to pass sensitive information to non-British consultants.

In the field of work it is even worse. The government has decided to register British companies that hire immigrant employees to tease them on the web. To give an idea of ​​where Great Britain is, an LBC presenter read live a speech very similar to those of Amber Rudd, Minister of the Interior. Instead, it was a passage from Hitler's Mein kampf.

What until recently was considered the gateway to Europe is becoming a wall. And the walls, you know, are much easier to build than to break down.

Watch the Lbc video

Great Britain, the new wall of Europe last edit: 2016-10-22T07:21:07+02:00 da Andrew Castle
