Ufo Robot (Grendizer) is the Japanese cartoon, created by Go Nagai, which in the 70s conquered young and old. First broadcast in Japan by Fuji Television, the 5 October 1975, and produced by Toei Animation, from 1975 to 1977, received a great consensus from the public.

Grendizer in space
"Goldrake" by Emiliano Grusovin is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

In Italy, Rai 2 broadcasts it

The success of Ufo Robot (Grendizer) in Italy exceeds all expectations. Episodes are first aired by Rai 2, in the late afternoon of 4 April 1978, inside the evening container "Good evening with ...". It is up to the then announcer Maria Giovanna Elmi to introduce the series, after having explained its characteristics. Initially, the cartoon was mistakenly given the name of Atlas UFO Robot, due to a wrong translation, but this does not in the least affect its affirmation on Italian television.

Even the acronyms of the series are lucky

The two Italian acronyms have an amazing luck: they are among the best-selling singles of 1978. The first, “Ufo Robot”, exceeds one million copies sold. Very catchy, with an unforgettable opening: “It transforms itself into a rocket missile, with circuits of a thousand valves, sprinting and going among the stars. Eat cybernetics books, math salads and play on Mars va ... ", remains among the most beautiful childhood memories of today's nostalgic fifties. Also the second acronym, "Grendizer", achieves an excellent result: over 700 thousand copies are sold. Both written by Louis Albertelli, on music and arrangement by Tempera wins, Ares Tavolazzi e Max Luke, are published in the album "Atlas Ufo Robot". The cartoon soon became a real craze for the young students of the time: Grendizer began to appear on folders, diaries, cases and even on snacks.


Ufo Robot: the plot

Ufo Robot represents an absolute novelty for the public of those years, to whom it offers always compelling stories. This, in summary, the plot of the film: Duke Fleed (then Daisuke) is an alien hero who finds shelter on Earth after his homeworld, Fleed, is conquered by King Vega's troops. At his side is the terrestrial Alcor, but above all there is Grendizer, the spaceship ready to transform into a titan of steel.

Ufo Robot (Grendizer), the spaceship

It is hidden in an underground hangar of the base led by Doctor Proctor and, when the alarm goes off on Earth, Daisuke runs up to slip into the tunnel that projects him into the control cabin. The spaceship emerges from the ground and throws itself at the opponent sent by Vega. Each time Daisuke is faced with a gigantic warrior or a frightening creature to fight. At the end of the duel, good triumphs over evil, but the alien threat remains, ready to launch a new attack.

Ufo Robot, Grendizer, Alctarus and Alcor

The controversy

Grendizer (Grendizer in original), is a Cartoon innovator for Italian television. For the first time, the public is faced with the first Japanese robot, gigantic and with a "human heart", which fights against space monsters. Grendizer becomes entertainment for adults and children. However, due to its contents, it soon ends up at the center of bitter controversy. The reason is simple: it represented something completely different than what the public had been used to until then. The cartoon is accused of pushing violence, of misleading young minds. Lotta Continua even defines him as "a symbol of rebellion", while Gianni Rodari defends him, comparing Grendizer to Hercules and the classical heroes.

Grendizer, the first of a long series

Grendizer is the first of a long series of Japanese cartoons which over the years are broadcast on our televisions, especially private ones. It represents a turning point in the Italian television panorama, which thus begins to see in these series a new form of entertainment aimed not only at children.

(Photo Grendizer Facebook page)

Grendizer was first broadcast on October 5, 1975 last edit: 2020-10-05T09:00:00+02:00 da Antonietta Malito

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