Plant a tree for at least seven good reasons. Reduce the temperature andpollution atmospheric, increase biodiversity and improve air quality, regulate the runoff of rainwater. Also, to increase the social value and the collective well-being. In addition, from a strictly practical point of view, offer shady areas and reduce reflected solar radiation. More and more Italian municipalities have decided to promote and encourage the donation of trees by private citizens. "Give a tree to your city" is a project aimed at stimulating the personal contribution of every citizen, institution, society, association to improve the quality of life, from an environmental point of view, of their own urban context, focusing ontree and the set of trees like a large urban forest consisting of thousands of specimens. Streets, avenues, squares, parks but also public areas such as school gardens will be embellished.
The project was born from Law 10 of 2013 “Rules for the development of urban green spaces”. The legislation provides, in municipalities with a population exceeding 15 thousand inhabitants, the possibility of planting new trees, putting the costs of this operation on the shoulders of citizens, businesses or associations. With a double advantage: on the one hand to increase public green spaces, on the other (and this directly concerns the donors) to motivate the donation for celebratory or commemorative purposes. Nice to know that that tree is dedicated to a certain person who, thanks to the new plant, in a certain sense continues to live. Nice to remember that that tree testifies to a particular event to be remembered in a tangible way and for many years.
From Rimini to Turin, from Padua to Terni, cities that adhere to the "Give a tree" project
The Municipality of Rimini with two proposals. The most important one foresees a contribution of 250 euros for each single tree with the dedication possibly proposed by the citizen and the registration of the donor in the Tree Donors register. Alternatively, and this is the second proposal, a contribution of 150 euros can be paid. The Municipality will dedicate it, putting together other similar donations, to replanting trees in areas where they have been felled or where there are sick plants. TO Torino you can decide where to plant the chosen tree. With a minimum contribution of 50 euros you can participate in fundraising to buy trees for the municipal nursery.
A Milan there are already many companies that have joined the initiative, which has also been extended to include plants and benches with the aim of creating a greener city. Significant was the donation of the amateur sports association Scuola Basket Sound which donated 9 red benches, a symbol against violence against women, to be placed in as many green areas of the city. TO Padova a ceiling of one hundred euros was set for each tree. The figure represents only a partial contribution to the real cost of the operation which includes supply, planting, maintenance and replacement in case of death within one year. However, it allows you to indicate the species and location of the tree or trees that you intend to donate. And so also a Tarnished, a Casale Monferrato, a Cremona ...
Green in urban areas among the priorities of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
A trend in line with what is indicated by the United Nations Organization in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development where the importance of greenery is reaffirmed even in urban areas. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, capture fine dust, help decrease the atmospheric temperature of the environments where they are located. In Italy, law 110 of 2013, the same to which the "Give a tree to your city" project refers, obliges the Municipalities to plant a plant for each new citizen born or adopted within six months of his registration in the registry . And this provision should be considered a great, fundamental opportunity rather than an obligation.
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