The fourteenth is a monthly salary that is paid between June and July in the pay slip or pension slip to employees in certain sectors and to pensioners in compliance with specific income requirements and limits. How is it calculated?

The fourteenth is one additional monthly salary which is up to both employees of some sectors, both to pensioners.

It is also called “weekday bonus” as, just like the thirteenth which is paid in December by Christmas Eve to cover Christmas expenses, the fourteenth arrives

When is it paid?

The payment is disbursed on the pay slip or pension slip in conjunction with the summer holidays and is established by national collective labor agreements based on the reference sector.

Unlike the thirteenth month's salary which is due to all employees, the fourteenth it's not up to everyone, but only to employees with specific national collective agreements.

Who can benefit from it

The beneficiaries of this additional monthly payment are workers in the tertiary sector (commerce and tourism), in the food sector (in the chemical, transport and logistics sectors) and in the cleaning and similar services sector.

Public workers do not receive the fourteenth salary, as it is an additional payment measure paid exclusively to the private sector. If applicable, the fourteenth it is also valid for workers hired with fixed-term, apprenticeship and part-time employment contracts.

Furthermore, it must be specified that it accrues only if the employee worked for days equal to or greater than 15 in the month.

The fourteenth to pensioners

The fourteenth for pensioners is an additional payment that is added to the normal pension. It was introduced in 2007 with art.5, co. from 1 and 4, law decree n. 81 converted into law 3 August 2007, n. 127 as economic assistance for pensioners with medium-low incomes and subsequently expanded in 2017.

The fourteenth is not due to pensioners who receive the disability pension, the social allowance, the war pension and INAIL incomes, but is due to pensioners of at least 64 years with a total income of up to a maximum of 1,5 times the minimum annual payment of the Employees' Pension Fund until 2016 and up to twice the minimum annual payment of the Employees' Fund from 2017.

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Photo by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

How do you calculate?

To find out what the amount we are entitled to is, we need to carry out a mathematical calculation taking into consideration what the total annual gross salary is. The formula for the calculation is: (gross monthly salary x number of months worked)/12

The fourteenth salary accrues a portion in each month of the year, corresponding on average to 1/12 of the annual gross salary, for those who have worked 12 months in the reference period.

It is reduced the more months there are not worked. The period taken as reference is that which goes from the previous 1st July to 30th June of the current year, in which the period worked by the employee is verified.

The calculation does not take into consideration unpaid and unjustified absences, periods of suspension from work and pay, periods of unpaid leave, parental leave and redundancy payments paid directly by INPS to the employee and strikes.

Fourteenth for employees and pensioners. How is it calculated and who is entitled to it last edit: 2024-06-19T07:04:00+02:00 da laracalogiuri
