With the latest big supermarket chain saying no to selling, foie gras is officially banned from Italy from large retailers. Goose or duck liver, a typical dish of French culinary tradition, will no longer be available on the shelves, a success for the associations that pushed for this decision. In fact, foie gras is obtained through a barbaric practice called gavage and which subjects ducks and geese to forced feeding through cannulas.

The gavage and the hashtag to ban foie gras

The stop to foie gras comes after a long struggle that lasted over 20 years and which has recently also been ridden by social media. Through the hashtag #ViaDagliScaffali, the problem has also reached the general public allowing everyone to know the practice of gavage. Through violent images that demonstrated the treatment of animals, more and more people pushed for a ban on foie gras. In the meantime, some judgments have defined the practice as "harmful to animal welfare" and establishing a ban in almost all of Europe. The only countries that still use the gavage are France, Spain, Belgium and Bulgaria.


The prohibition of this treatment, however, does not affect the importation that can arrive in other countries of the European Union for this reason the stop of the last distribution chain has been welcomed as a definitive success.

The goal achieved independently

In Italy it all started in 2015 when the association Being Animals launched the hashtag #ViaDagliScaffali. On the Facebook page this message appeared to announce the victory: "Following our investigation in some French farms - reads from the Facebook page of animal rights activists - directed to large-scale distribution with the intention of stopping the sales of this product, in order to weaken the market. After years of mobilization, about 12.800 supermarkets have chosen not to sell foie gras and the adhesion of the supermarket chain Iper la Grande i is added to those of other big names such as PAM, Eataly, CONAD, Esselunga, Carrefour and many others. others".

In the message, the association then thanks those who have allowed all this: "A goal that we have achieved only thanks to the determination and commitment of all our web activists and activists who actively participated in the campaign through online protests, signing and disseminating the petition and participating in the actions. This is the demonstration that change is possible ".

Distribution chains have independently chosen to stop offering foie gras. There is no law that prohibits the sale, so the victory of the activists is even stronger and more important.

Foie gras has been officially banned from Italy last edit: 2021-06-20T09:00:00+02:00 da Claudius Cafarelli
