On October 31st we celebrate one of the oldest and most discussed holidays on our planet: Halloween. It is a born pagan rite over two thousand years ago. A tribute to the dead and to the creatures of the afterlife who, in the night between October and November, invade streets, squares and shopping centers. A kind of zombie apocalypse, but serialized annually. Just like the I-Phone. And like all beautiful things, also this festival has entered arrogance in the customs of the whole world. Here are five good reasons that make Halloween better than Christmas.

Mom I'm not going to bed tonight!

Let's start with the first reason: the ability to stay up all night. Oh yes, because unlike Halloween, we have always been used to it on the evening of December 24th to go to bed early. The reason? Leave the field free to our cousin… er, Santa Claus to let him place the gifts under the tree. On October 31st, however, we can party until dawn because the purpose of this holiday is precisely to celebrate the night, darkness and black cats. Ah, these pagans! And anyway, Santa Claus doesn't exist. Neither does my cousin.

Scaring people to death

Zombies, witches, monsters and agents of Equitalia: on Halloween it is essential to enhance one of the most noble and ancient feelings of the human being. The love? No, the terror. Platoons of kids dressed in the least bad and armed with firecrackers will knock on the doors of sinners, pronouncing the classic trick-or-treat (trick or treat). A teenage version of the or the purse or the waist. And woe to not unhook the Twix guarded for months with so much jealousy. The repercussions could be truly dramatic.

Be more good? Not on Halloween

Kisses, hugs, gifts and compliments as fake as the teeth of our centennial aunt: Christmas is an orgy of sweetness, a riot of goodness with peaks of diabetes. On Halloween, however, there are no affectionate gestures, dinners with relatives never seen before or gifts bought at the last minute. The attention will all be channeled into devising methods to scare our friends, while the only money will be spent on the party at the disco, the firecrackers, the alcohol or the Catwoman costume.

Dress up with style

And as mentioned earlier, part of our savings will be invested in scary costumes. Without any shame it will be possible to disguise as Freddy, Darth Vader, the exorcist or our trusted kebab. But above all we will not have to wear those hideous sweaters with reindeer and snowflakes that you wear at Christmas. An item of clothing recently added to the list of weapons of mass destruction. Someone block this visual violence.

Hey, aren't you celebrating? NO!

Here is perhaps the best reason: the right to exempt from this recurrence without social repercussions. Let's try to tell someone that we are not going to celebrate Christmas. We will immediately be labeled as beasts with no feeling. And it probably is, but who are the others to judge? If instead we decide to write on Facebook that "No, Halloween is an American holiday, I'm Italian, long live the pizza" no one will have anything to object to. Indeed, for some we will become a symbol of the struggle against globalization and generational decline.

Bonus track: no stress

Raise your hand if you get stressed at Christmas. Well, now raise your hand if you get stressed on Halloween. Like? There is nobody? This is because celebrating the dead and the dark arts doesn't require long lines at the grocery store, dinners of twenty different dishes, or children crying because they didn't get the gift they wanted. The only thing we will have to do is to look at ourselves a good horror movie, crash with sweets and go to some themed party. Simple, isn't it?


Five good reasons why Halloween is better than Christmas last edit: 2017-10-31T09:30:07+01:00 da Gabriel Roberti
