How many times have you had the nightmare of still having to take the final exam? And how many other times have you dreamed of receiving a call explaining that the exam you took had to be redone? Indeed, there are those who made a successful film about these very common fears in 2011: “Immature”. In the film, a class had to retake their final exams due to a bureaucratic inconvenience. For this situation, you are former companions of school, Giorgio, Lorenzo, Piero, Luisa, Virgilio, Francesca, find themselves together again after twenty years. They all have to face the nightmare of their youth again: to pass the fifth year of high school exam once again, the step most feared by all students.
Maturity exam to be redone because "significant irregularities" were detected
In reality, it really happened: eleven students of the Galilei linguistic high school in Spadafora, in the Messina area, are called to retake the exam tests. The sensational news was released today, 15 September 2023, after an appeal by a student. The oral test ended under accusation following an inspection by the regional school office which found "significant irregularities“. A nightmare yes, but this time it's all real.
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