Whether or not they have been in possession of the respective emails from Mario Draghi, Matteo Renzi or other members of the Italian ruling class, is marginal in the matter. On the other hand, what seems evident is the demerit that should be attributed to those who have conducted a similar investigation; during the development of the eyepyramid affair, in fact, none of the victims seems to have been informed of the circumstances in place. And how once again ineluctable rights, such as privacy, are often subject to transmutation processes in order to become a salable commodity through the accumulation of substantial capital.
The espionage carried out, in addition to maintaining its political character, had economically determined ends and purposes. The links and users of this system are found by the major exponents of the Mafia Capitale forest; to various fixers such as Luigi Bisignani and the entrepreneur Pio Bastoni, known in the gossip columns. The ratio still not fully defined, aimed at providing sensitive and useful data to operate important economic and financial maneuvers to win tenders; or to trace meticulous capital transfer strategies from corporate mechanisms to matryoshkas put into practice by Giulio Occhionero.
EyePyramid: the Occhionero Brothers virus
But how did the Occhionero duo manage to keep all the mailboxes mentioned by the prosecutors under control? Through a virus called EyePyramid, Eye of the Pyramid. Thanks to this malware, Giulio and Maria Francesca Occhionero managed to clone an e-mail box undisturbed; have vision of the data and various updates in motion; download the latter on hired servers in the United States, thus having full consultation availability.
The names that have emerged are innumerable and all belonging to the Italian ruling class. The e-mail of former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was contaminated; Fabrizio Saccomanni, former Minister of the Italian Economy; also of the President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi; center-right parliamentarians such as Ignazio La Russa, Fabrizio Cicchitto, Paolo Bonaiuti, Michela Brambilla and Maurizio Scelli. Only a few hundred addresses at the moment appear to have been hacked, out of 1800 virtual victims, all of them being seized.
Among the many monitored, there are even members of Masonic lodges. The cataloging was meticulously distributed in folders with initials such as "Bros" (brothers); "Pobu" (politicians business), that is, the target of politicians with whom there was a criminal association.
Investigations and reports
Collaborating with the Postal Police was the FBI's Cyber Division. Thanks to a joint investigative action, it was ascertained, however, that the EyePyramid virus has obscure precedents dating back to an investigation conducted in the context of P4, by prosecutors Francesco Curcio and Henry Woodcock. It seems that there are some interesting relationships between the names that appeared within this survey; and those extrapolated from telematic wiretapping used on Luigi Bisignani's computer. The P4 investigation, in fact, paraphrased various clashes and disputes within the center-right currents, whose subjects are now also in the list of intercepted by the Occhionero pair.
The Occhionero brothers are currently being charged with the crimes of procuring news concerning the security of the State; unauthorized access to the aggravated computer system and unlawful interception of computer or telematic communications.
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