Today we will set ourselves a great challenge: to talk about banks in a constructive way

A speech like this, perhaps, can be better if he has been away from the "Bel Paese" for some time.

It is not a question of defending someone or something, but of seeing our finances from a pragmatic point of view. Instead of ranting and falling into defeatist speeches, let's try to look for hidden opportunities. Only those with critical analysis skills will be able to discover them.

Those who live in Italy have constant trauma. Everyone is complaining about the various bank commissions, combined with the balance sheet that taxes the account directly, regardless of the earnings. The post offices are even capable of divesting investment funds. Without giving notice to pay this asset, if there is no other liquidity available.
At this point, some like to escape from this reality with a nice vacation. They say that traveling opens the mind, it shows new things. The real problem is that everyone imagines that this is just a desert island, a few palm trees, a lunar landscape or some strange beach.

Let's talk about Polish banks

Traveling means understanding that there are systems different from ours and being able to make your own choice. It may be for this reason that for the same Minister of Labor expatriates are not always a resource - indeed - having left the system they threaten not to return.
Let's talk about Polish banks. ING Bank Polska, a branch of the Dutch bank, offers a monthly interest rate on the savings account of around 1 per thousand. This interest is credited immediately at the end of the month, with the possibility of moving the capital from the savings account to the current account at any time via the internet. It costs less than 2 euros a month to get a credit card, as long as you don't make at least 75 euros in transactions, in which case the card is free. You don't even pay for the broker platform, you only pay when buying stocks or bonds.
For those who want to know more about the Polish stock exchange and this niche of investors click on:

European banks

Let's move to the other side of Europe and see the Portuguese banks. One of the best according to many is Activo Bank. The debit card is completely free and without conditions, with the possibility of withdrawing abroad as well. The savings account gives much less than in Poland but always associated with the account is the platform to buy stocks and shares.
Let's go now to the center of Europe then. Not everyone knows that Deutsche Bank has completely different terms and conditions based on the state in which it operates, like all other European and world banks. Having a Deutsche Bank account in Germany is not the same as having one in Italy or Switzerland.
We could now talk about some British banks such as Balaclays and offshore, but it is not a topic that should be improvised.

Basically you have to trust your bank. We are customers and we have the right to ask for the best or, alternatively, to change supplier. If an Italian bank doesn't work, there are a thousand of them all over the world ready to welcome you. And if you live abroad, you will discover them from direct experience.

At this point there is still someone who starts shouting that there is a flight of capital. But this is called the free market. Not only every company or bank, but also every institution - including the State - will strive to be more advantageous and attractive if put into competition with the others. And it will offer an optimized content and services.
At this point it is no longer a question of criticizing Italy, because there is a possibility to choose.
Obviously, he chooses those who know the alternatives, so when traveling, in addition to tasting food and enjoying the views, it is important to open your eyes.
Banks: since I am an expat I have re-evaluated them last edit: 2017-03-28T07:12:57+02:00 da Daniel Bottene
