Ukraine emergency, Italy on the front line in support of refugees and a whole nation, for days under the attack of the Russian offensive. In these days, Prime Minister Mario Draghi declared the "state of humanitarian emergency”Until next December 31st. A precise and concrete commitment that joins the solidarity initiatives of Italian Episcopal Conference, of National Red Cross and a myriad of local authorities. All together, all united to support the Ukrainian people, victims of a war that the whole world is condemning and that in just a few days has caused hundreds of victims and enormous material damage.

Ukraine emergency: Italy is there!

 Following the provision issued by cabinet, the Italian government makes available, in relation to the European civil protection system, 200 tents with a thousand beds. Equipment that will be shipped to Poland where the first refugee camps are being set up. The executive has also increased the endowment of the Emergency Fund by 10 million; it also gave the green light to the increase of 13 thousand places in the Extraordinary reception centers (Cas) and another 3 thousand in Reception and integration system (Sai).

The hall of the council of ministers in Palazzo Chigi
The hall of the council of ministers in Palazzo Chigi

In practice, Ukrainians who are fleeing their country will be able to refer to the Reception and Immigration System (Sai) network. A system already used to host Afghan refugees and which focuses on widespread reception in small structures or within families. Those who will be recipients of international protection will be able to take advantage of health and social assistance, education for minors and language courses for adults. In addition to job orientation courses in order to create integration paths rooted in the territory.

Millions of refugees on the run

According to the first estimates ofUN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) so far about 400 people have fled from Ukraine. A number which, of course, is destined to increase. Also according to experts, if the conflict continues, the number of refugees could rise to 4 million. Pope Francesco even before the conflict broke out he had asked that today, Ash Wednesday, was dedicated to Ukraine.

Ukrainian emergency - Pope Francis
Pope Francesco

First day of Lent to be dedicated to fasting and prayer to invoke peace. After the outbreak of the conflict, the Holy Father launched a heartfelt appeal for the reception of refugees. “Seniors seeking refuge, mothers on the run with their children. They are brothers and sisters - Pope Bergoglio highlighted - for whom it is urgent to open humanitarian corridors. They must be welcomed ".

Ukraine emergency: the initiatives of Caritas and the Red Cross

La Italian Caritas  he made available 100 thousand euros for the emergency in Ukraine and to support the exodus of refugees. The local Caritas have already launched various solidarity initiatives everywhere together with fundraising. It should also be noted that the reception network of the diocesan Caritas is alerted throughout the national territory. Many local realities ready to welcome thousands of people fleeing the hell of war.

Chi wanted to support Caritas Italiana (Via Aurelia 796 - 00165 Rome), can use the postal current account n. 347013, or donation online, or bank transfer (causal "Europe / Ukraine") by:

• Banca Popolare Etica, via Parigi 17, Rome - Iban: IT24 C050 1803 2000 0001 3331 111

• Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Fil. Centralized Ter S, Rome - Iban: IT66 W030 6909 6061 0000 0012 474

• Banco Posta, viale Europa 175, Rome - Iban: IT91 P076 0103 2000 0000 0347 013

• UniCredit, via Taranto 49, Rome - Iban: IT 88 U 02008 05206 000011063119

Even the National Red Cross has an appeal was launched for fundraising to be donated to Ukrainian refugees. Resources that are needed "to respond to the enormous needs to which the volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross are responding relentlessly". It is reported that “there is a lack of water, food, electricity. Insufficient health care for hundreds of thousands of people. All this, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic still in progress ". Below are the bank details for any donations:

Beneficiary: Association of the Italian Red Cross ODV
Bank: Unicredit SPA, Via Lata 4 Agency - 00186 Rome
IBAN: IT 93 H 02008 03284 000 105889169

Ukraine emergency, Italy on the front line in support of war refugees last edit: 2022-03-02T09:19:26+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino

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