The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a service with which it will be possible to pay the ticket, book medical visits, consult your reports online and choose or change your GP.

It will be activated by December 31, 2024 and it is about a digital portal where all health-related information is recorded of the citizens of our country. A pioneering project in Europe which should see its complete development by 2026.

How it was born and when it will be active

The electronic health record was created with the aim of simplifying access to health services and creating an efficient, less expensive system capable of providing timely responses to health needs throughout the national territory.

In some regions it already exists, but the goal is that, by 2026, all regions will have to use it and by 2030 all citizens will have to be able to access their data. 

How it will work

Simply enter the platform to consult documents of any patient you authorize to view the data; or to book visits or download medical reports without having to return to the clinic. 

Healthcare personnel will be able to access it through the methods established by each region e citizens via Spid o la electronic identity card

Reduction of bureaucracy

In addition to especially managing emergency situations, the Electronic Health Record will make an important contribution to reduction of healthcare bureaucracya, meeting the needs of doctors and nurses forced to fill out (even by hand) a large amount of documents, which takes time and energy away from the actual care of the patient.

Data protection

All information uploaded to the Electronic Health Record will be protected by privacy and will not be distributed to third parties and everyone can decide to obscure all the clinical history that they prefer to keep confidential.

Funtil June 30th it will also be possible to deny your consent to the inclusion, within your ESF, health documents dating back to clinical events prior to May 19, 2020. This consent can be denied via the online service "Fse - Opposition to previous".

Electronic Health Record. Things? last edit: 2024-07-02T07:08:21+02:00 da laracalogiuri
