Double degree, now you can! The bill that allows students to enroll in two different bachelor's or master's degree courses at the same time has been definitively approved by the Senate. Even in several universities, schools or higher institutes with special organization. Same opportunity also for two academic diploma courses, first or second level. Titles to be achieved thanks to institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training. 

The considerations of the Minister of the University

"The approval of this provision - declared the Minister of University and Research, Maria Cristina Messa - represents a great result that allows our country to take a step forward in university education, in line with the international context. First of all, I would like to thank the parliamentarians for their determination to carry this work to the end. We thus guarantee young people that they will also have this option, which a 1933 law made impossible.

double degree

As a ministry we are already working to provide the universities with information as soon as possible to allow for an initial application of the law. This legislation it is part of a package of reforms for the university that we are carrying out, from that of the degree classes that focuses on interdisciplinarity to that of qualifying degrees for the professions. The purpose is to make our system less rigid and more aimed at the needs and training needs of female students".

Double degree

The law does not allow simultaneous enrollment in two degree courses belonging to the same class and in medical specialization courses. The approved text provides that within sixty days the Minister ofUniversity and Research adopts a specific decree. This, subject to the opinion of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI), the National University Council (CUN) and the National Council of University Students (CNSU).

The decree will govern methods and criteria to allow students to double enroll at the same time. This, with particular attention to courses that require compulsory attendance, and to encourage the achievement of double or joint final qualifications. Four months after the conclusion of the third academic year following the entry into force of the provision, the Minister of University and Research will present to the Chambers a report on the state of implementation of the law and an impact assessment.

Green light of the Senate to the double degree last edit: 2022-04-07T13:17:23+02:00 da Staff

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