Today 27 March there is a decline in the number of infected people and the currently positive ones compared to yesterday, but unfortunately never so many deaths. Let's see the data:

Decline of the infected

The number of infected fell from 6153 to 5959, (-194). This decline is recorded after yesterday's sharp rise, continuing a trend that often rises and falls from one day to the next. The number of the currently positive also drops from 4492 to 4401 (-91). Numbers detected with fewer swabs than yesterday, 3596 fewer. The percentage of infected people still decreases, from 8,3% to 7,4%.

Infected chart

Overtaking China

Today the much feared, but inevitable, overtaking China in the number of infected has arrived. In China, in fact, the curve is now almost at a standstill with very few cases recorded daily, only 46 more than yesterday! This gives us hope, given that is the goal we must achieve!

We will never tire of saying it, stay home!

This is our main weapon, we must minimize human contacts to avoid the transmission of the virus. In the meantime, a App that can help identify the infected, even the asymptomatic ones. A step forward, which we hope will prove decisive.

Record of casualties

Unfortunately, the most negative figure is the number of victims, which reaches 969, a record in Italy since this nightmare began. An increase of 307 victims compared to yesterday.

Decrease in the number of infected people compared to yesterday, but a record of victims last edit: 2020-03-27T18:42:04+01:00 da Emmanuel Ferlaino

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