Of Heavenly Love Burning Passion closes the trilogy after ““The Ladies’ Bar” and “Celeste Walks on the Moon”. Novels tell adventures, loves and some small big yellows that mess up and mess up the cards of a small, quiet but only apparently

Of Heavenly Love Burning Passion

IIn the summer there is a three day event, the “Palio”, who inflames the districts with a knife between his teeth. All the districts want to win the banner at all costs. We compete with any means, legal or not, without skimping on low blows and all kinds of foul play between brawls and cheering crowds. All to conquer the coveted banner. Betrayals and forbidden loves, friendships and twists intertwine.

Of Heavenly Love Burning Passion - cover of the Women's Bar
the novel that started the trilogy

In the background, the adventures of a group of indomitable men and women, sometimes a little grotesque, sometimes courageous. Of celestial love burning passion, reveals in this chapter the mystery of a hidden and then revealed statuette Old grudges, improvised tomb raiders returning from the 30s and new clashes with unexpected twists resurface as if exploding.

The Women's Bar by Simona Aiuti

Throughout the three novels, it is as if little by little the country was revealing old and unspeakable secrets that had remained trapped between ancient stones. The title, celestial and burning at the same time, gives an idea of ​​the way in which feelings are experienced. Love is total, it is fire, it is burning, it is pure, erotic and passionate. Love is unconditional, because if it is conditioned, it is not true love. Celeste Lanzetti, fragile and strong, sometimes nostalgic, fights for redemption for her grandfather Nino.

Of Celestial Love Passion Burning - Celeste Walks on the Moon
adventures of Celeste Lanzetti

Not only, for an archaeological mystery, but revealing a Jewish family helped to escape. Celeste Lanzetti investigates, searches, fights and finds the alliance of the cavalier Bartolomeo De Persis, a sprightly old man who mysteriously “the keys” to the entire country. And behold, the country “seems to shake, to trigger and reveal the content of many matryoshkas.

Celeste Walks on the Moon – Secret Province and High Heels

Behind every ancient stone there is a legend, a mystery. And then the fairies, the magic and that irony that slips between the tables of a bar, always Laura's. Then there is Olivia the transsexual we met in the second chapter “Celeste walks on the moon”. She runs in heels and does not give up. He is hungry for redemption, to win, to regenerate himself and he challenges the respectability of the ladies of Santa Dorotea.

Of Heavenly Love Burning Passion - photo

Among these he has an ally who will be his keystone. Celeste Lanzetti, who enters the time machine going into the past and finds the keys to the present. She is the protagonist with blue eyes and a clear heart, without the fear of being a "normal woman". And then the figure of Marshal Claudio Conti appears strong.

Marshal of the Carabinieri Claudio Conti

He is handsome, charming, indomitable, athletic, incorruptible and with sides yet to be revealed.. “Grufolano” through this trilogy, a group of “runaways” emerge, friends who are a bit disheveled, but who in necessity remain united. From the top of the small village, they roll down, mysteries to reveal, new and old feelings, and she Celeste is always put to the test. We'll see who wins. How does Saint Dorothy live with all this? Having read the trilogy, I can assure you that they do indeed coexist. The recurring question is whether the “country” really exists. Perhaps yes, indeed certainly yes. And all the characters are born from shades of real people, like the old Baldini couple, stingy and bad like few others. Will they succeed in harming Olivia? Or will what happened to Mrs. Magliano happen to them? The author does not reveal it immediately. Simona Aiuti, journalist, web editor, author of novels, comedies, poems, with a shrewd sarcasm and an incorrigible irony says and does not say.

Simona Aiuti author of D'Amor Celeste burning passion

He then signs the third chapter of the adventures of the restless Celeste Lanzetti and his companions in adventure.After Give Me Another Chance, Love Passions and Brigands, Sasha a Life for Football, The Women's Bar and Celeste Walks on the Moon, here comes “D'amor Celeste passione ardente”, because love is celestial, but also ardent. Maybe there will be a fourth novel and it also seems like a prequel, we'll see.

Of Heavenly Love, Burning Passion, the novel by Simona Aiuti that completes a trilogy last edit: 2024-09-11T10:00:00+02:00 da Staff
